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Candello is committed to illuminating the path forward for health care executives and clinical leaders, shedding light on the what, where, how, and why of patient harm and the financial losses associated with it.

What is Candello?

Candello is derived from the word candela, a unit of luminous intensity. Candello’s best-in-class taxonomy, data, and tools illuminate clinical and financial risk and reveal the root cause of error.

The Candello data collective represents one-third of all open and closed U.S. MPL cases, including those closed with and without payment. Proving there’s Safety in Numbers, the data reveals the deepest details behind decades of adverse events and financial loss.

Standing at the forefront of malpractice data and analytics, Candello pairs reliable and actionable findings with the expertise needed to reduce your risk, improve clinical outcomes, and help save lives.

  • A national database of medical professional liability (MPL) claims
  • Innovative leader in identifying trends in medical error, patient harm and financial loss
  • Built by CRICO, the MPL insurer of the Harvard medical community

Candello’s History

Through national partnerships, Candello, established as a division of the Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions Incorporated (RMF), pools malpractice data and expertise from professional liability insurers across the country. RMF is part of CRICO, group of companies (and their respective divisions) owned by and serving  the Harvard medical community and all of its affiliated members. From its beginning, CRICO has implemented a data-informed approach to reducing medical error through clinical analysis of malpractice claims. That analysis is shared with member institutions to offer insights to their own patient safety initiatives.

candello a division of crico horizontal rgb

Candello (formerly CRICO Strategies) was established in 1998 to offer clinical risk intelligence products and services to national clients through a comparative benchmarking system.

Captive and commercial insurers across the country code and submit their medical professional liability (MPL) claims data to the Candello database. This trove of data represents one-third of all U.S. MPL claims.

Organizations can leverage the knowledge and expertise of the Candello team through services for data analytics, risk assessments, fast and flexible web-based, self-service tools, and risk management services designed to reduce medical error and malpractice exposure. We help care leaders identify vulnerabilities so they can make data-informed decisions about targeted patient safety initiatives.

Candello’s work to eliminate health care risk is unmatched—it saves lives. We have a vested interest in anyone who can offer significant value to patient safety efforts; in this respect, Candello’s work with comparative data is more relevant than ever. Hiscox, Ltd, Bermuda



Founded close to 50 years ago, the CRICO insurance program has provided its members a superior medical professional liability insurance program, complemented by an extensive collection of patient safety and educational resources and the Candello national comparative database of cases. CRICO represents a group of companies owned by and serving the Harvard medical community. Through decades of experience protecting the Harvard medical community’s clinicians and organizations, CRICO has established itself as a leader in medical professional liability (MPL) insurance. It is our mission to protect providers and promote safety: safeguarding the assets and reputations of our insured organizations and the people they employ, and facilitating cross-organizational convening to encourage broad adoption of proven patient safety practices.

Learn more about CRICO

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