When a serious reportable event or potentially compensable event occurs, you need to understand it so that you can develop a targeted intervention to prevent a similar incident in the future. You may want to know how often does this type of adverse event happen? What is the potential liability cost of events like these? What are the drivers of these events?

Backed by the power of the Comparative Benchmarking System  the Clinical Event Search Engine empowers risk managers, patient safety quality professionals, claims managers, and business and clinical leaders to make data-informed decisions about risk mitigation strategies.

Read an analysis based on data from the Clinical Event Search Engine

Embolisms and thrombosis may represent a small percentage (2.58%) of all medical malpractice cases in our Comparative Benchmarking System but they can be catastrophic for the patient. The following analysis was conducted using our Clinical Event Search Engine which queries closed medical malpractice claims in Candello.

This web-based tool queries de-identified, coded, closed medical professional liability (MPL) claims in Candello. Claims are coded using CRICO’s proprietary taxonomy and submitted to Candello from national captive and commercial insurers. The database represents more than 30% of all U.S. MPL cases offering deep insights into the drivers of patient harm and financial loss. 

In less than a minute, you can:

Conduct Research for a Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

  • Conduct quick, easy research for required investigations to support your root cause analysis (RCA)
  • Leverage national trend data to develop action plans
  • Easily export research to include in regulatory reporting

Identify Risk and Harm

  • Gain insights into drivers of a near miss or potentially compensable event (PCE) to make data-informed decisions for resource allocation
  • Inform recommendations that prevent future incidents

Include Data in Presentations or Conversations with Clinical Leaders

  • Support difficult conversations with clinicians involved in a serious reportable event You aren't alone. National data shows X number of medical malpractice cases involved a similar event.
  •  When informing your board about a serious reportable event, support it with quick, easy to understand national data about how often similar cases settle with indemnity payments and the average cost of those cases


The Clinical Event Search Engine lets you quickly and easily select search parameter filters to show you metrics for events similar to one you may have just experienced. The search filters and metrics include:

Search Parameter Filters Search Results Metrics
  • Event year
  • Event type
  • Responsible service
  • Subspecialties (if applicable)
  • Care setting
  • Major injury
  • Total cases found
  • Percent of cases closed with indemnity payment
  • Average indemnity payments for similar cases
  • Top contributing factors driving like-cases
  • Clinical severity distribution
  • Top major injuries


Blog-DataTools-CESE-Use-Case-3-fullscreenData as of 8/1/2021. Filters applied to Candello data: Event year 2008-2019; Event Type OB-related treatment; Responsible Service ob/gyn; and Care Setting inpatient.

Read an analysis based on data from the Clinical Event Search Engine

A recent medical malpractice case was in the news alleging a patient was burned in the operating room. It named two surgeons, a nurse and anesthesiologist and alleged that fire prevention protocol was not followed. I was curious to know more about his type of alleged malpractice, such as how frequently does this occur and what can be learned from this type of event in order to prevent future occurrences?

To learn more about the Clinical Event Search Engine, complete the form below and we will contact you to schedule a demo.

Written By
Katy Schuler, MSc
Katy Schuler was the Marketing Manager for Candello.
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