Thank you for your interest in Candello Discover

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Reach into Candello’s database of a half million MPL cases with Candello Discover — 33% of all U.S. MPL cases never before accessible until now.

CRICO dataThere’s safety in numbers

Built by CRICO and Harvard’s medical community, and shared by a national network of MPL insurers and health systems, Candello offers easy, laser-like access to the data you need in 60 seconds or less.

Explore-failure-pointsYou’re Never Alone

Reportable events can feel isolating. Candello Discover delivers like cases to illuminate root causes and reveal patient safety and financial solutions so you can assure your board and clinicians that, “We’re not alone.”

Experience the value of data

Today’s health care challenges are daunting and the margin for error is shrinking. Your patients and providers deserve to be safe and your organization needs protection. Tap into this foremost source of MPL insights today.

  • michael-anderson
    A great thing about this tool is the ability to obtain instantaneous results, which makes it easy to "browse" the data. We are also using the tool to provide general illustrations of responsible services and to guide more in-depth analysis of our organization's data.”

    Michael D. Anderson
    Manager, Patient Safety & Risk Management MIEC
  • janadeen
    The new CRICO Tools are AMAZING!!!! Huge leap(s) forward!!!! Very exciting! Lauren [our Director of Risk Management] and I have so many ideas that we will put our heads together on!
    Jana B. Deen, RN, JD
    Associate Chief Patient Safety Officer, MGH
  • Larry-Smith
    Translating data from seemingly unique cases into a clinical process that triggers awareness of clinical vulnerabilities is what brings these stories to life.
    Larry Smith
    Vice President, Risk Management MedStar Health
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