We are excited to announce the deployment of a major enhancement to our medical professional liability (MPL) case coding process—the biggest enhancement in nearly a decade—which will create new analytical opportunities and deliver insights that will greatly sharpen the understanding of what drives error, patient harm, and financial loss.  

Blog-CRICO-Coding-Manual-CoverThe CRICO Taxonomy and Coding process is the foundation of our data-driven model for the management of clinical and financial risk. Each year, we assess the MPL landscape and expand our taxonomy to capture new issues and emerging trends (e.g., COVID and Virtual Care) ensuring our ability to keep pace with ever-evolving needs and concerns. And while these incremental updates deliver regularly increased value, this year’s Candello Taxonomy enhancement represents a more significant leap not only in the data we capture, but in the ability to correlate and leverage that data in new and meaningful ways.


The Linking and Weighting Taxonomy enhancement—an intensive, multi-year effort led by Dana Siegal along with a team of highly experienced and committed members of our Candello Community—takes this notion of data correlation to the next level. The Linking and Weighting updates to clinical coding introduce a significantly innovative concept for data analytics: relativity

True to its name, Linking and Weighting will enable Candello users to link each member of the care team, (e.g., MD, RN, technician, therapist, clerical support) to the specific actions or inactions they are associated with. This will provide case level and aggregated data that details the relationship between a specific provider or member of the care team involved in the case, and how they impacted the course of care or outcome of the case. This detail will allow for a much clearer understanding of the specific root causes driving vulnerabilities and risks in the clinical care process and allow for more focused improvement initiatives.  

Additionally, by weighting, or identifying the specific contributing factors that are the primary drivers of error in each case, clinical leaders can better prioritize the relative risk of all clinical factors for which they are responsible and business leaders can understand the financial risk associated with that relativity. Ultimately, both can understand the relationship between the two at a deeper level.

While the scope of these coding changes will require time to learn, apply, code, analyze, and understand this next-generation data, the value will greatly outweigh the effort. The net effect of Linking and Weighting will be a level of depth and sophistication in our Candello Members’ own data and Candello comparative data that will engage, illuminate, and inspire confidence in clinical and business leaders.

This game-changing advancement would never have been possible without the commitment of time and creativity from the members of the Candello Community. We continue to marvel at what is possible when we collaborate, align, and commit to raising the bar the way this community does for the industry we serve.

Written By
Vice President, Candello
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